Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Snow News is Good News

It's been such a dull January with nothing going on. Really, I couldn't even think of anything to post about, it's been THAT uneventful!

Today our pace changed a little, as we had a SNOW DAY!

I remember snow days growing up. The superintendent had to declare it a snow day. I always pictured him getting in his car in his bathrobe, starting his car and driving the snowy roads of the bus routes to determine if they were clear enough for the buses. In VA, my mom would usually get the news first as she would listen to the radio while doing newspapers. As soon as they announced it, she would come whisper, "Amy...there's no school today!" It was such exciting news, because it meant we didn't have to brave the cold, dark weather for seminary. I usually couldn't fall back to sleep because I was so excited! Snow days meant sleeping in, sledding, no homework, hot chocolate, and chili. Now as the mom, snow days for me now mean entertaining "bored" kids, hunting for snow gear, LOTS of puddles to mop up, empty hot chocolate cups and chili bowls to wash. :) It's good times, though. The kids love it!

They began with a two-hour delay this morning. Boo was a bit disappointed, unsure of how this would alter her school schedule. She likes a schedule, that Boo. Yaks was disappointed because none of us were really sure if they had p.m. Kindergarten on a 2-hr. delay. We didn't have to wonder too long, because an hour later they canceled school! There's a good foot of snow on the ground, and we're expected to get 4-8 more inches by the end of today!

Yaks went out to help Josh shovel. Boo and I got caught up on her reading chart (an HOUR of reading...). We baked chocolate chip cookies just because we could.

The kids went out to search for the sled, which they didn't put away last week and was now buried in the snow. Tough lesson learned - put away your stuff! Then I sent them BACK outside to retrieve the shovel they left out there, so it wouldn't get buried! (insert rubbing both temples here) :)

I don't know what's harder work. Playing in the snow...

or getting undressed afterwards!

Happy Snow Day!


Sarah said...

Oh! Those piles of slushy clothes!
That's a crazy amount of fluff when it warrants a day off school! Did Josh stay home from work, too? Or just shovel when he got home later?
We had chili here tonight...tho I was disappointed with the final flavor and want a better recipe.

Sarah said...

p.s. clever title. Just reread and caught that! :)

Dianna said...

Wow! Great snow! I love imagining the superintendent driving snowy roads in his station wagon while wearing a bathrobe (I added the station wagon).

Anna said...

That sounds awesome. We still haven't had any snow to speak of. I actually never had a snow day growing up. And my kids haven't had one since starting school. So for me, it's one of those romantic things that you've heard of and dreamed of, but don't think could ever happen to me...

Liz said...

Brr. Since it's still in the 60s or 70s here I think we won't have snow days anytime soon. But we had them all the time in Ohio. Have fun keeping them entertained!

Annie said...

Looks so good! Im from Denmark and we do not have any snow at all, so is a little bit jaloux;)

Nicole said...

Well we have had snow to spare this year. Our street signs are COVERED from the piles pushed up by the snow plows. Glad you guys had fun! Did you ever figure out the rash on Boo you posted on FB?

and I tagged you in a blog post. Want to play along?