Sunday, April 19, 2009


In fourth grade our teacher would occasionally have a "ketchup" day. She would put up a laminated picture of a bottle of ketchup and we all knew it was a day to catch up on our work. If we were all caught up, we got to draw or enjoy free time.

I haven't posted in a while, mostly due to lack of time. Boo and Yaks don't nap anymore, and "quiet time" requires me to turn into a shepherd - constantly herding them back into their rooms. It's been tough on this mom, who craves solo quiet time to just think and ponder and connect with herSELF. By the end of the day, I'm exhausted and emotionally drained. So, I'm taking some time today to "catch up" a little in all areas.

We had a nice Easter weekend, which started off with our fun neighborhood egg hunt. I love that it's like the coming out party to kick off Spring on our block. We all seem to hibernate in the winter and it's fun to finally get out of the house and feel connected with the rest of the world again. I just love how our neighbors have it organized. They host it on one street and the older kids get one side of the street and the younger kids the other. Each child who participates brings 12 eggs, and then they get to collect 12. There are also "Golden Eggs", which can be traded in for little prizes. Following the hunt, we have donuts and juice and enjoy visiting. Good times!

This was Yaks' first year officially participating. He was pretty excited.

This is old hat for Boo, but she did a great job at stopping to count her eggs to make sure she didn't go over her limit. "I have 12, Mom. That's plenty."

Where's the adorable Easter picture where we're all matching and smiling and looking perfectly pressed? That wasn't us this year. I spent an hour ironing Boo's dress with my flat iron because my iron decided to break Easter morn. That was awesome. I pulled out a dress that was clean and fit my "in between" body and called it good for myself! It was a lovely day, nonetheless. I love Easter.

Big Girl Bed
Boo has slept in her crib since we brought her home from the hospital. She loves her crib. It's her place of refuge, renewal and timeout. She was never a climber and would contentedly go right to sleep when it was nap or bedtime and not come out until you came to get her (or gave her permission to come out). When Yaks came along, we simply bought another crib for him, because I wasn't about to move a happy 18-month old into a "big girl bed". We have frequently brought up the idea of moving her to a bed, but she always replied with her sing-songy, "No, I just sleep in my crib. I like my crib" The day we had to move Yaks into a bed, we asked if she wanted us to take off one of the sides of her crib, which excited her at first, but then when it was bedtime, she cried and cried until Josh came home (at 10 p.m.) to put her crib back together the way it was.

Our problem became that she was just getting too heavy for a crib! The kid's four years old for crying out loud, and she's so tall, she looks just funny all curled up in that little bed. Cousin Emma handed us down an adorable little white bedframe, complete with a bookshelf /headboard for her treasures. Josh gave it a fresh coat of paint, and my mom had an extra mattress, which she donated to our cause. After a trip to the store to choose her own sheets (pink with polka dots), Yaks and Josh used their tools (real and plastic) to set up her bed. She just loves it. She makes her bed by herself every day, spreading out her seven baby blankets, and is so proud. Next on the list is getting her a real twin-sized quilt! Keep your eyes peeled for us.

Spring at Temple Square
I love going to see the Spring flowers at Temple Square. The kids love to visit the temple as well, and I enjoy seeing their faces light up when they see the Angel Moroni atop the temple. We went down on Friday to meet up with the Nana, Angie, Adrienne and the cousins for a little stroll around the grounds and some lunch at the Lion House Pantry.

Little Yaks took a spill (probably from running) and skinned up his elbow, lip and forehead.

Forget the flowers - the running fountains of water seemed to be the main attraction during this trip. The kids could have stayed there all day watching them!

Last year when we visited, we saw Elder Nelson and his wife snapping pictures of the flowers. We didn't want to intrude, but wanted to say hello, and he took the time to visit with us and shake the kids' hands. He said, "It's a wonderful thing to bring children to the temple grounds at a young age, so they can have that relationship with the temple and a desire to enter."


Trish and Matt said...

Glad to get the update. I've been wondering how you're doing. I need a "ketchup" day myself. Hopefully I can find some time this week to do so.

Sarah said...

Fun neighborhood egg hunt!
And...glad that she is liking the big bed!

Dianna said...

I love ketchup days! Your kids are always entertaining - way to go, Boo, on the bed issue. What a milestone! I'm sad we missed the neighborhood hunt. We got to meet Elder and Sister Nelson in the Bountiful Temple a few years ago when we happened to sit down next to him. He is so gracious. There is nothing like shaking an apostle's hand in the Celestial Room. By the way, he saved my sister's life with a experimental surgery that he pioneered. We love that man.

ww said...

IKEA has super cute and inexpensive quilts. Yeah, I'm a little obsessed with everything Swedish right now!

Plowgian Page said...

I'll keep my eyes peeled for you. We may still have the bedding Emma used. I can't remember what we did with it?

Mama Adrienne said...

Hey Amy-- loved the post and pictures at the temple. I salute you to the dedication of the binkie abolition. We have done that a few times, but they creep back.

I know what you mean-- they are wondeful for us parents too.