One of the many parenting milestones I have looked forward to as a mother is watching my kids participate in the primary program. There is something just wonderful about watching your own kids singing their little hearts out and sharing simple testimonies that warms my heart! Yesterday Boo took part in her first Sacrament meeting primary program. Each child in our primary was given a theme and got to write their own little talk. Boo's part said, "I know I am a child of God because we have pretty flowers and shady trees." We've been working on it for weeks at home. Even Yaks got in on the fun, as they would take turns pretending to say their part into the faucet of their play kitchen.

We invited Nana and Papa to come and watch, as well as tend the orphaned Yaks while the rest of us sat up on the stand. Thanks, Nana and Papa! The Sunbeams were up first, and I anxiously waited to see what Boo would do. One of her classmates burst into uncontrollable sobs, so I didn't have extremely high hopes that she would actually say her part unassisted. I couldn't see her face, but apparently, she stuck all four fingers in her mouth and stood there - mute. After several seconds, her part was spoken for her, and she proudly returned to her seat looking like she'd just delivered an inaugural address. She turned around and whispered, "Mom, did you see me?" I winked at her and gave her a thumbs-up. I was proud of her.

Great job, Boo! Maybe next year you'll be ready for a solo, eh?
Nana, Papa and Isaac were able to join us for dinner. Our menu was spaghetti and meatballs, rolls, corn, salad, apple crisp and ice cream - the perfect meal for 1-4:00 church. Following dinner we caught up on family blogs and pictures. We loved having them over!

I loved the Primary Program this year! It was the first year we were able to do it because we are usually out of town. Huck was the second loudest when he gave his one-liner.
Can I come over for spaghetti and apple crisp? Thanks, be right there!
Warmin' it up for you RIGHT NOW, Heidi! Next week Carnitas at your place?
We had our Primary program yesterday too! Maddie was the first one and burst into tears! But she did sing so well! In her prayers last night she prayed that next year she will be able to say her part.
Our Primary has gotten so big that they chose not to give the Sunbeams speaking parts. So I'm sure we'll get to experience that trauma next year!
But it was a lot of fun watching Goose sing her heart out. She even invited a non-member family ... and they came!
At least she got up there... some kids can't even get the courage to do that. We had our Primary program too, but we were way in the back and could hardly see. You have to come about 15 min. early to church to get a soft seat... our ward is huge. I love those two pics of Boo.
I totally remember your solo incident. You did really well. Our Primary sacrament meeting is this Sunday. I am really nervous. I can only imagine what Tori will do. Even though we have been practicing the songs FOREVER and her one line, I am worried. It should be fun. I am trying to convince my mom to fly in for the weekend, she declined.
Yeah for Boo! I bet the program was so good. It sounds like Jeanne did a great job. Hey, why haven't you had a musical number in our ward yet?!
Laurie, I'm sure Tori will do great. She seems like the kind of girl who will steal the show in a great way!
Dianna, I'm not a great singer. I do enjoy singing in the choir, but I'll have to wait for Josh to have a different calling to participate in that.
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