I called our pediatrician's nurse to see if she could tell me what it was and what I could do. I love calling the nurse because you get the advice w/o the office visit. He's on Benadryl for three days and on watch for strep throat (lovely) and/or wheezing. Fortunately, as of yet, no other symptoms are present.
Boo has filled in nicely as the resident nurse. After baths, she suggested that we should all get into our jammies and "rest" in my bed until our spots feel better. So, in they crawled with their Book of Mormon readers, reading to eachother and talking about their symptoms. It was hilarious.
Boo: "Now, you just have to rest because it will make your spots feel better. See? Are your spots feeling better?
Yaks: "Yeah."
Boo: "We probly need to watch a show for them to feel better. Mom?"
Poor thing... how do you tell a kid not to itch? Yeah, nursery definetly passes the germs around. Steve and I are nursery workers right now... we go through tons of hand sanitizer. I love the quote, "I just got sthum pots on me"... very funny. P.S.- I liked the comments the kids made about my post... especially, "is that horse going to eat Kira?"... I don't know where she comes up with that stuff :)
Hope they don't spread to Jane...how miserable.
Group jammy days are the best. I hope Yaks gets feeling better and Jane doesn't get it - or you or Josh for that matter.
Ooooh! I hope his case of the spots is cured quickly! That's no fun! But he is very handsome with a new haircut. And what a SWEET sister to share her extra hair supply.
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