Last night we went to Home Depot to purchase several odds and ends for some home repairs. We were there for quite some time. Fortunately, they have inflatable lawn ornaments on display there. Hip hip hooray! The kids were in heaven. This one was their favorite. Oh, Santa bring me one of these, please!

Anyway, back to the point. As the kids were standing mesmerized and drooling (literally in the case of Yaks) over the inflated eyesore, I looked around at the tools, equipment and machinery that dazzles Josh to such extremes. As I was looking around, I saw this sign next to a display about wiring electrical sockets:

It reads, "Please ask us how?" (question mark)
Now, I'm neither an editor, nor do I profess to be an excellent writer. Semi-colon usage still baffles me, and I know I use far too many commas. As a matter of fact, I'm not sure if every letter in this post title should be capitalized! But, I do have my question marks down.
Do you?
If you don't, you can always ask how?
I do my best, but I feel as though my punctuation and grammar is poor especially compared to my mom. Her vocabulary is amazing. However, after working for BYU for the last 2 1/2 years I have the opportunity to see HORRIBLE grammatical and punctuation errors. As I read RA applications i am appalled by their mastery of the English language. The improper use drives me CRAZY! To name a few "It MAID me understand", "of COARSE", and we won't even discuss the issues of their, there and they are, or to, too and two. Sorry for the novel, but you're (you are) right!
My pet peeve is the lack of appostrophes. Shouldn't Zions Bank be Zion's Bank? Is there more than one Zion? And if there is shouldn't it be Zions'Bank? Or shouldn't a restroom for women be labeled LADIES'ROOM? I think apostrophes must be a pain for sign makers and that is why they are left out so often. The truly funny thing here in Doha is the translation errors. Many of the beauty shops here are labeled as SALOONS! I guess happy hour is when you go get your hair colored.
Great find, Ames! Thanks. Your friend's comments about "salons" versus "saloons" was pretty funny too. We should start a movement. "Friends of Proper Grammatical Usage" The FPGU. Unite! :)
HA! You're hilarious! Don't those hideous lawn ornaments drive you crazy? And people pay big money for those things. I wonder if they need any help putting them up or if they just ask?
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