We had our family picture on Friday - what a relief all of that planning and fretting is over with. Yaks was a champ - you would have thought the kids was a professional child model! He followed every direction given to him, smiled on demand, and stood still. I wonder why I can't get him to do that at home? Boo wasn't so thrilled with the camera. We didn't get many w/ her smiling, and her nervous hands had to be coaxed out of her mouth for several of the shots. It was fun to have a family picture taken. When the photographer (Dave) came out to meet us, and shook our hands, he stopped and pointed at me and said, "I know you." Josh and I exchanged smiles because somehow, this happens to me A LOT.
It always goes the same way: Someone recognizes me as someone they know. Normally, I have never met them before in my life. They insist that they have met me before. I supply a few places that we may have met, but we hit dead ends on all of them. I think I just have a familiar face, I don't know. I get "recognized" dozens of times as someone that they know, but cannot place. Sometimes a guy will say, "you remind me of an ex-girlfriend I used to have." That's a little awkward, especially if his wife is standing next to him. I've had some people say that I look like Ruth Todd, the newscaster.

I've also been compared to a Jane Clayson Johnson - that's a little far-fetched, I think.

What was your favorite conference talk?
I get Pat Benatar - or did in the 80's a lot. My favorite talk was Elder Holland's, but his talk is usually my favorite talk! :) I'm glad you had such a great birthday!
Happy Birthday Ames! I hope you had a great day..we are doing family pictures this weekend. I am excited but I know that J will be difficult. He is terrible at picture taking. I hope we get some good ones though. I think you do look like Ruth Todd. Even Jane Clayson Johnson too. Ruth more though.
*People say that I look like Snow White. Especially when I wore dark red lipstick in my high school days. Favorite talk was Sister Dalton's.
Lots of people think I look like Julia Roberts. I think it's just the big toothy smile!
My favorite talk was Elder Wirthlin's. It was exactly what I needed to hear, and I've already been able to share it with a few people.
p.s. I totally wanted to call you yesterday but the day got away from me. We had surprise visitors in town all weekend so it was a bit hectic. Know that I remembered and thought of you on the big day!
Happy be-lated birthday!!! I'm glad you could make it up to your parents and that the cute sisters included streamers and balloons! And, I do love the crinkles-paper-bow.
My favorites included Elder Wirthlin "Come What May and LOVE IT!" and Pres. Monson saying that changes come...your kids WILL GROW UP (hummm...I wonder why this one in context on in-laws)
Happy Birthday Amy! It sounds like you had a wonderful day - brownies always make it great! You are much prettier than all those celebs. I think people recognize you all the time because they just WANT to know you. You have that magnetic welcoming personality that stops people in their tracks. People don't ever mistake me for anyone else. I just have this fantasy about being Grace Kelly. Ha!
Ha, I think I said that to you when we first met "I know you... don't I?" ha. nope. But I'm so glad I do know you now!! You're beautiful and I think people recognize and remember heaven when they are around you so you are familiar to them.
Sounds like you had a great birthday! And I can't wait to see your family picture... is it going to be used for a christmas card? If not, I hope you'll post it here so we can see it.
I love Pres. Monson's talk on Change too. I teared up when he said we'd miss the laundry piles and finger prints on clean surfaces... I think he said we'd find that we would "miss it profoundly"... or something like that. With a new baby I'm a little overwhelmed right now so it was a great reminder for me to enjoy this time more before it's gone.
Too funny those photos of me and wonder woman. Ha! I hope I age as well as she has... ageing is not going so well so far.
I think Cath is even prettier than Cameron Diaz too but they do look alike. And you DO look like those ladies! Awesome!
Amy, I hope you had a great birthday. I think it's funny that so many people say you look like someone they know. I met this girl in my ward that actually looks so much like you. I even told her about a week ago that she looks so much like my sister-in-law. Her mannerisms and voice also remind me of you. As far as conference goes, I could only here it through major static on my way back from St. George... it looks like I've got some spiritual studying to do.
You do look like Ruth Todd and Jane Clayson Johnson. By the way have you read her book "I Am A Mother". Must read.
Anway. I look like my Mom! I loved Elder Holland's talk, and President Monson's.
I'm glad it was a great birthday
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