Child/husband: "Mom (Amy)? Do you know where __________ (<= insert missing item) is?" Amy: "Hmmm, I think it's _________ (<= insert location)." Now, most things in our house have a place, but I'd be lying if they were always in their place. I've got kids, and we have fun, and that's just what happens! So, sometimes I'm not sure where the requested item could be, or else it's not in the place that it's supposed to be, and the hunt ensues. It's usually found in a really strange spot, somewhere that doesn't make any logical sense.
Josh and I laugh when we finally find the something in its non-spot, and we laughingly say, "Oh! right where it should be." For example, let's say you're looking for your Yaks' shoes. One would think, in his closet? By the front door?
How about, "In the food pantry."
"Oh, right where they should be!"
Here are a few more exhibits:

Exhibit A.
"Where are the vacuum attachments?"
"On top of the fridge, along with all the other stick or sword-like objects in our house!" The top of our fridge is an armory of confiscated paraphernalia that has been used to injure or maim. How is it that a two-year-old boy who only watches Sesame Street, automatically turns a stick into a sword? Are boys pre programmed?

Exhibit B.
"Where's my doggie?"
"He's patiently contorted into the crate that should hold your princess dolls." Maybe he's awaiting David Copperfield for a death-defying escape? Poor dog. There's another reason we don't have a pet. When I asked Boo why he was in this crate she said, "He's just resting in there." Comfy!

Exhibit C.
"Where's my 'piderman'?"
"In with the cooking utensils of course, my son! Right where he should be!" What, you don't have action figures sitting next to your ice cream scoop? Get with it!
"Where's my doggie?"
"He's patiently contorted into the crate that should hold your princess dolls." Maybe he's awaiting David Copperfield for a death-defying escape? Poor dog. There's another reason we don't have a pet. When I asked Boo why he was in this crate she said, "He's just resting in there." Comfy!

Exhibit C.
"Where's my 'piderman'?"
"In with the cooking utensils of course, my son! Right where he should be!" What, you don't have action figures sitting next to your ice cream scoop? Get with it!

Exhibit D.
They actually weren't looking for this yet, but I found Buzz in here when I was about to toss in a load of laundry. How ya' doin' in there, Buzz? Don't worry. They'll find you soon enough.
Right where you should be.
They actually weren't looking for this yet, but I found Buzz in here when I was about to toss in a load of laundry. How ya' doin' in there, Buzz? Don't worry. They'll find you soon enough.
Right where you should be.
That is hilarious! A man Brett works with gets charged by his wife to find things he is looking for. Moms are usually the finders in the home. It sounds like you have to be a little more creative when looking for things at your house.
As for boys being pre-programmed: When Ben was little we had definite issues about guns and told our family not to buy any toy guns for our son. We were determined to make his world violence free. One day he was innocently eating a graham cracker in his high chair. I looked over and saw that he had shaped the cracker into the shape of a gun and was happyily shooting imaginary bad guys! Yes, there is a natural element involved.
How great. I guess you can't do anything but laugh at the funny places things show up!! Fun read.
So funny Amy!!! I love what you choose to post about. Thanks for all the great narritives. Keep them comming.
Very funny! You explain everday life in a way that just makes me laugh. I like the puppy in the crate.
Thanks for making me laugh, I really, really needed it today.
Amy, Our Amy and Jon were the same age and I think both Andrews... yours and ours were close to the same age as well. Everyone was sad when your family moved. Your Dad left behind his famous English Toffee recipe... YUM! if I remember correctly it was auctioned off for a ward budget fundraiser and Shirley Arendt won it. Thanks for your best wishes in my recovery. We had the best news cancer in my lymph nodes so no chemo. Anyway, we'd love to reconnect with your parents you know they are INCREDIBLE! Do they live in Utah now that they've retired? My e-mail address is
Cute Amy-
Just wanted to say "Happy Birthday " to you. Know that you are being thought of today and often!! xo- Kari
I also wanted to wish you a SUPER HAPPY BIRTHDAY today!!!
Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Amy, Happy Birthday to you.
Lots of love from Colorado.
That was quite funny, Ames. I love the comment about Ben when speaking of the "swords." What a little rascal! Happy birthday again!
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