These three boys are brothers from the same family. The two babies died of lung conditions, the tiny one at only one month and the other at 18 months. The teenage boy was murdered, leaving behind a child of his own. The family lost three boys. This tree is called Remember Me in the hopes that you will remember their three sons and how much they love them, that you will remember Jesus Christ, who is the reason for the season, and that you will remember that families are forever and that they will see them again.
It is a sad story and touched many people, but I felt like what touched them the most was hearing about Jesus Christ and eternal families. Many nodded at me and knowingly smiled (wearing a BYU sweatshirt), others looked at their feet and shuffled off, but muttered, "thank you", one little boy said, "That's my Jesus! He's my most favorite of all!" I felt like I had a unique chance to share a little of the gospel and bear testimony (in a way) to literally hundreds of people last night. It was a neat feeling.
The second tree had tiny board books hanging from it, with two beautiful hand-made quilts, one crocheted one, and the other a darling applique. There was a cute little bookshelf and tubs filled with books dedicated to Valentine's Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc. They also had the classics - Dr. Seuss, Clifford, Eric Carle, Berenstain Bears, etc. There were 500 books in all. It was called, "Tell Me a Story". Would you like to hear the story of this tree?
Dylan only lived to be 10 days old, dying of heart failure. His parents never had the opportunity to read him a bedtime story before he passed away. This tree is in memory of him, in the hopes that the one who purchases it will be able to read their children many, many bedtime stories.
This one touched moms especially, who were pushing their children in strollers, rocking them to sleep in their arms, or trying to keep them from grabbing a book from the display! I had to keep myself from tearing up multiple times, since story time is a special and regular time at our house!
Although I'm exhausted today (5:00PM - 12:00AM), it was a great opportunity to be able to serve for such a good cause. It was fun to meet and speak to so many people and to hear their experiences as well. One lady who loved the book tree told me that she and her husband had been married for 20 years and were never able to have children, but that she was four months pregnant! She was so excited, as was her husband. She said she couldn't wait to read her baby a bedtime story.
wow. i should have known not to read this post while I was at work. i think I would have cried all night. what a wonderful experience.
It's so fun hearing about all the different activities to commemorate the birth of the Savior. Thanks for sharing! Sounds like a wonderful evening, indeed.
What a great opportunity! How did you make the connections to do that? I am glad that you could get out and do that for a night. It seems like a perfect way to start off the season.
Sarah, I visit teach a lady in my ward who was working on the board of directors for the event. Anyone can go help - they were so happy to have me there. I'll get you the info for next year!
What an absolutely fabulous way to spend some of your Christmas spirit!
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