I've found some resources that might prove helpful to any of you who may have received similar callings lately. :)
1.)The primary manuals are all online, broken down into lessons and include the pictures and clipart, as well as ways to adapt it to nursery kids.
2.) The Friend is also online, which makes it easy to print out coloring pages, stories, and/or cut-out pictures.
2.) For clipart and fun coloring pages, I've really liked Christy's Clipart.
3.) If you don't have the Gospel Art Kit, consider purchasing one. Visual aides are great teaching tools, it gives kids something to hold and to talk about. The back has a handy, short description of the picture. Keep it simple, you know?
4.) If you aren't musical like me and/or don't have a piano, the hymns and the children's songbook are all online!
5.) I found this form really helpful to organize and assign things out, so I don't have to think when it's GO TIME.
Tonight we are having a lesson titled: "I am Thankful for the Seasons"*. Our leaves are starting to change, so we're going to talk about the four seasons and then get our our violins and perform some Vivaldi (just kidding)! I used the clipart to find pictures representing the four seasons. I put a picture in each quadrant of the paper for the kids to name and color (Boo can glue her leaves on her page). I pulled out clothes that one would wear for each season, and we will guess which season we wear which outfit. We'll also sing "Rain is Falling All Around" and substitute snow, leaves and sun. You can do actions with this song - kids love it and "My Heavenly Father Loves Me".
Feel free to post more resources and/or ideas that you've done!
*This isn't meant to brag, but to hopefully save you some time if you want to use it sometime this month or next!
There is a website, sugardoodle.net that has GREAT ideas!! I always go there for help!
Emily, what a treasure chest of ideas! Thanks a bunch.
What great ideas! Our lesson this week was similar. We went to a local park and went on a treasure hunt. We looked for leaves, nuts, pine cones, etc -- anything colorful and fun -- and collected them in one of Goose's purses. Then we talked about Who created nature and why. It was fun for her to see you can find neat things even when you're out in the middle of nowhere. Who needs toys???
We haven't gotten to this part yet, but once the leaves dry out, I'm planning to do the thing where you put them under a white sheet of paper and color over them w/crayon to make a pretty design.
Great idea, on the go! We totally could have done that last night, and the kids LOVE the park. I'll file it away and do it another time. Thanks!
Amy you're every woman! I'm loving this post. We need to liven up the family home evenings around here. thanks for the ideas and your example and motivation!!
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