The note read:
"Dear Amy, This cup and saucer is one that Pop brought back from Japan when he was on a special assignment for the Air Force in Korea from 1956 to 1957. He would want you to have one, so I am sending you one for your birthday. It can be a special memento of Pop and remind you of how much he loved you. Love, Grandma"
What a special and thoughtful gift! I started crying it was so touching. I've written before that I've been thinking of Pop a lot, since I've been watching that WWII documentary. I miss him a lot. This lovely little gift is a sweet reminder of him. Now, back it goes onto the highest shelf in the house, so I can have it to enjoy for a long, long time!
wow - that made ME cry. how sweet and thoughtful. and what a beautiful teacup.
That is so sweet! My aunt did the same thing several years ago for us. There were 9 girl cousins and 9 cups and saucers left from my grandmother's china. That is so thoughtful!
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