JB was working with Yaks. He vowed that he was just going to carve something "simple" this year. The words "simple" and "JB" don't really go together.

Then he got out his filet knife.

(15 minutes later) Yaks tried to help for a few more minutes, but eventually lost interest and started trying to carve my pumpkin with a knife sharpener. Poor kid. Let the child carve SOMETHING!

Okay, it's cool. I'll give you that. The teeth and glasses glow with the light behind them.
(I couldn't get a picture w/o the flash going off)
If you haven't carved yours yet (and aren't as creative as JB), here is a helpful little site with lots of cute ideas (scroll down a-ways to find the free printables)! You just print one out, tape it on your pumpkin, punch out the pattern, cut out the pieces and VA-LAH!
Happy Carving!
Happy Carving!
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