I've been feeling nostalgic lately(could be the recent birthday), and I'm not sure why, but I catch myself re-living fun moments with my kids that I can remember having with my mom.
I've been particularly remembering story time with my her. We listened to stories with mom religiously every night growing up. We all looked forward to bedtime, when we could choose a story. There was one in particular that was my favorite. It was Disney's Cinderella. It's long-gone. I remember it being in our VA basement, but I think it was a casualty of one of the floods. I've casually looked for the same version at bookstores or at DI , but I could never find the exact same one. It's also been so long since I've enjoyed it, I couldn't even attempt to describe it (the pictures, the text, etc) even if you wanted me to. I just felt like, "I'll know it when I see it."
I remembered a post that Gomom wrote about half.com, and thought last week that I should give it a shot. I found one that I thought was it, but e-mailed the guy for more pictures to be sure. Imagine my surprise when he e-mailed me these pictures!
It was the exact same book from my childhood! I was so excited, I couldn't believe it. This flood of memories came back and felt like a kid again (as cheesy as that sounds). It was like I had found an old friend! I could hear my
I ended up buying it for $2.99 as a birthday present to myself, and it arrived today!
So, here's to finding buried treasure in the web pages of half.com. I've been really pleased with my experience. Next time you want to go buy a book, or are wishing to find that long-lost book, give it a try first. They just may have what you're looking
I love half.com! I order all of my book club books from there. :) Congrats on finding it! I think I had that one, too.
I hadn't heard of half.com before... sounds like a great place! Thanks! and I'm so glad you found that book!! What great news!
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