The first time I read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone was after I finished up my student teaching and moved home. My mom filled me in that this was the popular book amongst her students (she was a special-ed aide) and that I should read it. I wasn’t beneath reading kids’ books (I was now a certified teacher, after all), so I picked up a copy and started reading. I think I finished it in a week, and so began my crush on Harry Potter books.
My friend, L-train soon joined me in my love for all things Harry, and she became my partner-in-crime. We went to see Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets the evening of the day it opened. That was good fun. She also threw me a Harry Potter birthday party at the Outback Steakhouse, where I was presented with my Harry Potter bookend, which is a treasure, as well as a Sorting Hat backpack. When Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire came out, I would take my lunch breaks at work and lock myself in the conference room with a sign posted on the door that read, “Please do not disturb: Reading Harry Potter”. Nothing but a call from Dave Karvelas (Nancy Johnson's Chief-of-Staff) would tear me away.
I went solo to see Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. I ran into some of my 6th grade students, who asked, “Do you feel weird coming to a movie by yourself?” My reply: “Hello? It’s HARRY POTTER! Of course I don’t feel weird!” and then we sat together and shared popcorn and had that secret little bond between us for the rest of the year. Haha. I seem to recall that JB and I were just starting to date, but he had plans the night that it opened. JB is not a fan. He doesn’t get it. He’s tried to sit through it with me a few times, but there’s just so much explaining to do when you haven’t read the books or watched the other movies. I hope that someday he’ll come to see the light.
What is it about Harry Potter? For me, it’s the exciting storyline and how it keeps you guessing all the way until the end. You have your theories, but they are constantly unraveled throughout the book so you have no choice but to keep reading to find out WHAT in the world is going to happen! JK Rowling is so descriptive in her writing, you can close your eyes and just picture store-by-store what Diagon Alley looks like, you can smell the breakfast sausages in the Great Hall, and you can just hear the roar of the crowd coming from the Quidditch pitch when Harry catches the illusive snitch. The characters are so developed, they feel like good friends. You can relate to their struggles and frustrations and joys and losses. I can sit down and read and hours go by like minutes. Although the movies don't measure up to the books, I still enjoy sitting down and seeing how the film compares to my imagination.

I’m currently reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix in preparation for going to see the movie, which comes out on July 11th! The new book has been pre-ordered as a gift from JB (at least he supports me in my craziness), which comes out on July 21st. I’m sure I’ll read that book over and over again as well.
Do you have a favorite read-over-and-over-again book(s)?
I have read Harry Potter multiple times and also The Work and the Glory series AND I AM FINE WITH THAT. :) We will be camping when Order of the Phoenix comes out and have already agreed that we are driving into Evanston, Wyoming to see it. I wonder if they have stadium seating.
The Chronicles of Narnia. I've lost count how many times I've read those books. All seven of them. They are my fall back books - my cheer me up books. i love them.
I love Harry Potter too and I just love this post you wrote, you are such a good writer.
I don't think I've read any book over and over (besides the Book of Mormon) people do that?... I'm new to the reading world. I should try it. DO you get more out of it the second and third times through?
I surely get more out of the Book of Mormon by reading it over and over again. Actually, Harry Potters are the first novels that I've read more than once. I'll have to try Chronicles of Narnia. My mom reads Agatha Christie and Mrs. Pollifax (mystery) books over and over again. I imagine you get more out of those by reading them a 2nd time.
i get something new out of the chronicles of narnia every time i read them. it's c.s. lewis and there is so much symbolism jammed in every story. i'm a fan.
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