One Saturday, Nana took Boo out for the afternoon shopping, and they returned home with a pair of these. Navy? Oh, no...not in Navy, in bright pink. Boo fell in love with them and has worn these shoes every day for over a year. In the wintertime, we just threw socks on with them. Countless photos sport these old faithfuls. We've gotten her other pairs of shoes, but she always goes back to the old standby "pinkshoes" when given a choice. She'll wear church shoes, but as soon as we walk in the door, off goes the dress and the black Mary Janes, on go the foamie friends. JB is considering having them bronzed, they've gotten so much use.
The problem is this...I can't find them ANYWHERE. I've inquired at Payless, but they have been recalled because the rivet on the side is considered a choking hazard. They have other brands that are similar that I've seen, but I can never find a PINK pair in a size nine! The girl is wearing shoes that are 6 1/2 -7!

Have you seen these shoes around? Can you help out a sister in need? If you happen upon these gems and manage to rifle through to find a blessed pink pair in a size 9, will you snatch it up, pay whatever price they ask (under $15.00...they are foam, after all), and alert your pal via e-mail or collect call?
Desperately Yours,
I will definitely be on alert. Pink shoes are a must!
I want to drive to payless right now and search! haha. those really are the most comfortable shoes....ugly as all get out, yes....but comfortable nonetheless. I keep a black pair and wear them nearly everyday (even to work!) In fact, I need to renew them as they are starting to crack. haha. I've even been trying to get lauren to buy a pair for the Monkey. I will definitely keep an eye out for you.
THIS IS THE TEXT THAT IS LINKED. HREF=" Lands' End has some but they are over $15, blast!!
Crocs also have some but are over $15 bucks, too :(
I'll keep looking...
Uh, woops.
Lands' End.
Thanks for being on the look-out, girls! You are awesome. I probably should just spend more, since she wears them so much, but I just can't get past the fact that they are FOAM! Come on.
I just sent you two links to ebay for pink crocs. :)
Thanks to HRT, who hooked me up with E-bay! Why didn't I think of that before! A pretty, new pink pair of "pinkshoes" are making their way to our house as we speak. Thanks for helping, everyone!
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