Friday, May 21, 2010


Remember these lyrics to The Music Man's "Ya Got Trouble"?

Are certain words creeping into his conversation?
Words like "swell?"
And "so's your old man?"
Well, if so my friends,
Ya got trouble,
Right here in River city!
With a capital "T"
And that rhymes with "P"
And that stands for Pool.

My kids have learned some doozies, and they are not afraid to use them in their regular vocabulary. Despite my efforts to ban them from our family vocabulary, they keep reappearing. Words like:


That's right. The ultimate in insults in this house is to call someone Bob. If a discussion turns into an argument, the best way to shift it to a full-on fight is to say, "Well, you're Bob!" Oh, mercy. The gauntlet has been thrown down.

"Yes, you are!"
"No, I'm not!"
And the screaming ensues, sometimes followed by tears. (and that's just from Mom!) Just kidding.

But seriously, it's ridiculous! It's laughable! But, I have to take it seriously, because the to the kids, it's really serious! They are fighting words.

Oh, Bob, it's bad.

And if Bob isn't enough to offend, in second place we have...

Wait for it...


Could you use that in a sentence? Gladly.

"You're Linselot." It's a personal noun AND an adjective. Kind of like "Mudblood."

In this photo they are calling Diddles "Linselot". You can tell how upsetting it is for her.
They think it's hilarious that they are openly insulting her, and she thinks it's funny!

Now, I'm not going to say who the instigator is.

No, I won't label her in that way.

But, something's gotta be done, or these kids are going to do me in!



Dianna said...

That is so funny! Your kids have such interesting minds. I just hope you don't ever have a home teacher named Bob and your kids run away screaming, never to return to the home teacher living room for the lesson.

Anonymous said...

Lincelot sounds like an insult from Medieval times. At our house you should never call anyone a "pinker."

From Angie via Nana's

Mrs. Grindstaff said...

I remember the greatest insults growing up was when Mark would call me a BOG. He even made up a song about me as a bog. I'm sorry that Bog's cousin Bob has decided to visit your house.

Catherine said...

HA HA. That's funny Maggie. The bad word on the street here is miscreanz. Random.

Cara and Steve said...

Too funny! That really put a smile on my face :) I miss you guys lots!

Lenice said...

3 of the cutest "Bob's"!

Liz said...

At least they aren't insults that anyone else recognizes. That way, in public you are the only one who knows what's going on... It will be a funny story in a few years. If they grow out of it. :)