Amy: "Boo, it's time to come in and get ready for bed."
Boo: "No, it's NOT time to go to bed. That's NOT a choice!"
Amy: "Yaks, what's wrong?"
Yaks: "I just fruthwaited wiff Boo. I told you to talk to her!"
Just this morning, the kids were trying to ride their bikes around the cars in the garage. They kept getting stuck (don't worry Josh, we moved them onto the deck). Boo got her bike wedged between the garage step and the tire of the car. She said (in a really angry voice), "WHO PUT THIS STEP HERE?" It was so funny, I snapped a picture, which she did NOT appreciate.

Finally, last week while Josh was at meetings, I was working on the computer (not blogging, I promise) and Boo found a missing puzzle piece that she wanted to put back. I unlatched the game cupboard (Don't do it, AMY!), which is filled with puzzles and board games and went back to work (NNNNNNNNOoooooooooooooo...). About 10 minutes later, she said, "Mom, Yaks is into the games."

He had taken out every...single... game in the cupboard, opened it, dumped it, and as if that isn't bad enough, he actually managed to MIX the pieces up together to make a lovely "tossed salad" of game pieces. We had cards, dice, chips and pieces EVERYWHERE! I was angee. I was fruthwaited. I made them both help me clean up, and if they weren't cleaning, I had them sit on the step with their arms folded. It took us almost a full hour to finish. While cleaning, kicking myself and muttering, Boo said with completely serious admiration, "You're doing a GREAT job, Mom!"
Thanks, Boo.
I haave heard "that is NOT a choice" around here, too. That made me laugh (reading your account, NOT when hearing Meg yell it at me)
I understand the resorting of game pieces. You poor, patient, thing. I spent a few HOURS this morning trying to make sense of the "catch-all" shelf near the girls toys. You know, the one where all the random, individual pieces go when they are found alone and I'm too lazy to put them away right then... I love that Jane was right there telling you that you were doing good! (I secretly banished Meg into another room so that she wouldn't see the pieces and random toys that OOPS got drops into the garbage box!)
Oooooh, now that's a mess. I'm glad you were doing such a great job cleaning them up. :) I'm so sorry. It sounds like my day yesterday when the girls were beading their own necklaces and thought it would be fun to make it "rain" beads. Much to their disappointment, the bead fairy came and took the beads... I'm thinking they may never return.
Last night Little Man didn't want his diaper changed and yelled, "Time out, right now, daddy! No diapey change!" Needless to say, we are so ready for him to be potty trained.
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