I haven't had it at all since those days of Bear Lake, so imagine my surprise (and desperate delight) when I had the following conversation with our 7-year-old neighbor.
Amy: Hi, Alyssa!
Alyssa: Hi! Can I play basketball at your house? My dad said it was okay. I like to play basketball, it's really, really fun. I'm getting taller, so I can make more baskets than my sister. This is my cousin, she's visiting us from Oklahoma, that's a long way away from here. She's staying with us for three weeks and tonight is ice cream night. We have ice cream night two times a week. My dad went to go get ice cream and he got bubble gum ice cream. My favorite ice cream is strawberry. I'm really good at playing basketball.
Amy: Hang on...Did you just say bubble gum ice cream?
Alyssa: Yeah.
Amy: WHERE did your dad see bubble gum ice cream?
Alyssa: Um, it's in our freezer.
Amy: The store. Your dad bought it at a store? What store?
Alyssa: Um...I don't really know. Alberstons?
Amy: Albertsons? Are you sure it was Albertsons? And, are you SURE it was bubble gum? Like, bubble gum with the little bits of bubble gum in it?
Alyssa: Um, I think so...I don't really know, my dad bought it.
Amy: (AHHHHHI WANT BUBBLE GUM ICE CREAM RIGHT NOW! Can I come over and have some?!) Okay, cool.
Several weeks later, Josh ran to the store to get some ice cream, and brought this home:

We devoured it in three days. We went back for more, and polished that off, too. The kids didn't get to sample any. I knew they wouldn't fully appreciate it yet. Bubble Gum ice cream. Do you love it or hate it? I think you know how I feel about it. The end.
not gonna lie...i kind of love the idea of you out in your yard grilling a little seven year old girl about where her father does the grocery shopping when all she wants to do is play some basketball.
It was a low moment in my life, I know.
I love the whole explanation she gives you when she asks to play basketball. And I've never had bubble gum ice cream, but now I'm curious. We might have to try this one.
To be honest I don't really love the flavor...but I still often chose it, when little, at Baskin Robins (they still have it there FYI) I think just because it was different and a mess that Dad would roll his eyes at. I used to always pick out the pieces, pile them up and the chew the sticky mess all at the end!
I understand, now, why it wasn't a parent's favorite...I'm sure Meg will have her messy go at it too. It is part of being a kid...and I'll have to clean it up!
I'm glad you found it and enjoyed TWO TUBS! Yeah for late night ice cream as just adults!
Love it!
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