Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Christmas 2012

 We had a lovely, long, snowy, fun, healthy and happy holiday!  I hope you did too, friends.  

The kids got out of school on the 18th, so it's been a long holiday without any structure or routine.  I think we were all happy to get back to it this morning!  

Christmas Eve
We woke up Christmas Eve to this enormous dumping of snow!  The kids were so excited and after we managed to piece together snow stuff, they were out there for a good hour sledding on our hill.  Three cheers for Josh who braved the slick roads to go retrieve a VERY important present that was being delivered to Walmart that day!  Whew!  Nothing like the last minute, Amy.  :\

We enjoyed another season with Buddy, the scripture elf.  I enjoy this tradition, and the kids are still enjoying it and its magic.  Christmas Eve he delivered a cute little Santa key, along with his last scripture.  The kids immediately tied it to the doorknob so Santa could enter our chimney-less house!

 Christmas Eve we were on our own, and we tried out a new menu this year, borrowed from my friend, Marie's family:  Clam chowder, rolls and salad.  I found a Market Street Broiler recipe and I thought it turned out really tasty!  It was also an easy make-ahead one-pot meal.  Diddles ate two whole bowls, and I think that's a keeper!  We enjoyed our meal by candle and Christmas tree lights.  It was lovely!

Following dinner, we lit all of our luminarias down the long driveway (for once the winds were calm enough we could light them!), and began our program.  

Josh read Luke 2, and I played Mary
Look at his celestial glow!

Yaks was a shepherd
Boo was an angel with a star

Diddles was a stagehand, or a rather humble wise man...not sure which
My parents send us a book every year for Christmas, and this year I suggested how fun it would be to have them record a reading of it and post it to YouTube for us all to be able to enjoy for our Christmas Eve.  James helped them with the technology and the kids enjoyed several viewings of Grandpa reading the new story (Mr. Willowby's Christmas Tree).  It was really a special treat - probably more for me than for anyone.  It was nice to feel like my parents were a part of their Christmas, even though we can't be together.  Diddles was sweet - she walked over to the screen and said, "Hi, Pop-pa".

 I think Josh would agree, it was in our family's history, the most relaxing and smooth Christmas Eve on record!  Everyone was happy and calm and helpful, and it just felt really low-stress and nice.  Two thumbs up for getting all of the wrapping done ahead of time!

 Christmas Day in the Morning!
We had an early morning, but not too unusual for this early-morning crew.  The kids opened their stocking goodies, and we took turns slowly opening presents.

Merry Christmas!

 We got to Skype with family members and say hello to others on the phone.

We had a leisurely breakfast of cinnamon rolls, cereal, fruit, etc.  Nothing much going on that day but playing with toys, relaxing and doing projects.

"Cog Red, Cog Red"  I don't have the heart to correct her!  It sounds so funny!
Josh always gives cool, unexpected presents.
A bow and arrow for Yaks, and a digital pink Ironman watch for Boo.

I remember well doing these paint-by-numbers Christmas day.
I thought the kids would be old enough to handle them.  Boo took her time.
Yaks started out strong, but then just painted however he wanted, just so he could be done.  :\

Good thing he got some Lego sets!  
We busied ourselves with this puzzle (of Whistler, Canada),
which looks easier than it was!  It took us almost all day!
You can see Boo's watch in this picture.
She was our timekeeper, "You said five more minutes 10 minutes ago!"

Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Awe, makes me feel kinda like I was there. You are such a sweet Mom. Looks like a very Merry christmas!