Friday, February 25, 2011

It's Better Than EED, it's FEED.

Every month or so, we take our turn teaching Yaks' preschool group. Boo's home in the mornings, so she joins us too. This is both a blessing and a curse. Boo's very responsible. She helps the kids find toys and resolves problems. Since she had preschool last year, she feels it's her duty and obligation to "teach" the preschool "kids". So, she sits right next to me and tells me exactly what we should be doing, how we should be doing it, and I know that in her inner-most heart, she wishes she could just send me to my room, so the circle time chart would be hers and hers alone to manage. She's in Kindergarten, you know. So her wealth of knowledge is plentiful!

Each time it's our turn we have the battle of who is going to answer the door for the kids, and who will answer when the moms pick up. It's my least favorite part of preschool, I tell you. It usually ends in Boo crying that the arrangement is "not fair". I remind her every time that this is Yaks' preschool, not hers. Hmph. Boo always wants to read the kids a story, and when I say read, she wants them to sit in a circle and listen to her read an entire book to them. At first I was hesitant. I didn't think the kids would want to sit and listen to someone a year or two older than they were. Finally I relented and figured it would give me a few minutes to change Diddles' diaper!

The kids love it. They are glued to her every word. They sit perfectly still and listen, enchanted by her reading. The only one who's not sold is Yaks. He goofs around the entire time, or finds something else to do. Just watch him in this video! I filmed her reading Mrs. Wishy Washy's Farm a couple weeks ago. I love her little phrases she uses that obviously come from our reading together or her teacher!

I just missed my favorite line in the clip. At the very ends, she's trying to get them to guess the word, "FEED". So, she pauses to let the kids guess a word that rhymes with STAMPEDE. Her clue is, "It's better than EED, it's FEED." Classic. They say apples don't fall far from their trees. I can totally see her becoming a teacher when she grows up. We'll have to work on some better clues, though.


Dianna said...

That is awesome! She is a natural.

Marie' said...

This is adorable, Amy! She holds the book perfectly so all the children can see, and her reading is amazing! Can I borrow her so she can read to my kids too?

Cara and Steve said...

Haha... that video is awesome! The children really are listening quite intently! I amazed she can read so well with the book held out to the side!

Nicole said...

I loved it when she points out the question mark! I laughed right out loud at that expert bit of advice! Oh so funny! And yes, I see Yaks getting more than annoyed at his sister. His actions say, "really. She isn't that great. She's a sister! BAH!" You totally should let her teach the class with you and diddles in the back room! that would be awesome!