Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Whistle While You Work

** Hi Friends!  I've got a bunch of posts in the cue.  I'm just trying to figure out how to pull pictures off of our new camera.  I promise a daily post for the rest of this week.  We're all alive and well. **

My mom used to read me this Disney's Cinderella book when I was young. Remember Lucifer the cat who terrorizes the mice and makes Cinderella’s life more miserable than it already is? In the book, Cinderella comes up with this idea to string a bell around Lucifer’s neck so that they can hear him coming...and...that’s all I recall about the story. You can tell it made a deep impression on me!
I’ve taken to whistling wherever I am in the house. Not because I’m cheerful or that I need music in my ears all day long, but so that my paranoid kids know where I am!


I must hear this question at least 10 times a day. I can only trace it back to a phone conversation I was having with my mom months ago. We don’t get to chat often, so when we get some time, I am on the phone for a while catching up. The kids were being so loud that I couldn’t hear, so I slipped out the front door and sat on the front porch to finish my visit in peace.

Apparently inside, the kids had realized I was missing and searched the entire house for me. When I hung up, I returned to two traumatized children who would never again forget that they were once “lost” in their own house when their mom left them for dead.
Ever since that day, I am treated like a child under house arrest. I have to check in and tell them where I’m going and when I’ll be back. It’s not what you think. It’s things like, “I’m going upstairs to go potty. I’ll be right back.” Or “ I’m going downstairs to get some things from the storage room for dinner. You may come if you like.” If I’m not back in the allotted time, I hear, “Mawm? Whar you?”, usually uttered by Boo, who gets Yaks equally worried by saying things like, “Yaks, are we lost? Is mommy lost? Let’s go find her (panicking voice)! Mawm!?”

Now, I’ve tried reasoning with them, and telling them that mommies don’t leave their kids and that I would NEVER, EVER leave them alone without someone here to watch them. I’ve encouraged them that instead of yelling for me that they can just come looking for me. Chances are I’m in the yard or upstairs, etc. It’s no use. They are terrified of being left or lost in the very place they should feel the safest. I’ve gotta tell you, as sorry as I feel about it, it’s getting REALLY old. So, I’ve resorted to just whistling all day long so they know where I am. This is ridiculous.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. You know where I’ll be! “I’m RIGHT… HERE!”


Trish and Matt said...

Oh my word, we have the same problem. Today I was in my closet making a phone call and closed the door so I could actually hear. By the time I was done (approx. 20 seconds later), the kids were running through the house screaming that they were lost. Maybe it's normal?

Amy said...

Whew, I'm glad it's not just us, Trish! A phase? Let's hope so.

Dianna said...

So funny . . . . probably not to those still under house arrest though. I do remember those days. Maybe you need to get them a GPS system or teach them how to use Google Earth. Maybe you just need to be fitted with a tracking device. Maybe you need to start some children's books - instead of Where's Waldo they could be called Missing Mommy. Sorry I'm not more help.

laurenthequeen said...

We haven't hit that stage yet, so I'm not sure this will help.

My mom had a VHS tape YEARS ago called Baby Songs. We found it for $5 a Walmart or here's the link

The songs are a bit mind numbing, but the kids LOVE them. One of the songs is called, "my mommy comes back". And the lyrics go something like this...
"My mommy comes back, she always comes back, she always comes back to get me."

Maybe the reinforcement would help???

Nicole said...

that is great. I love that they need to be with mom so much, but yes, to pee alone is one thing I am looking forward too.

Stephanie said...

Hummm. Maybe a jingle bell anklet?