The kids were handed down a little Fisher Price plastic family complete with a mommy, a daddy, and five or six girls. Sadly, there isn't a boy in the bunch, but Yaks doesn't seem to mind. I overheard the following last night as Josh was brushing the kids' teeth.
Josh: Who's this? (pointing to the mommy doll)
Yaks: Isth a mommy.
Josh: What does she like to do?
Yaks: See likes to pick up toys!
Josh: What else does she like to do?
Yaks: Das awl.
Josh: What does she say?
Yaks: See doesn't weowy talk. Nobody talks.
Today the kids were having library time, which often includes asking me to pull a book down from the shelf and pretending to study. I'm chuckling at the random selections they picked based on the color of the spine. Yaks chose "You Can Learn to Speak" and Boo chose "How to Win Friends and Influence People".
Pick up toys...ugh...how true is that. At least he visualizes yuou LIKING it! And, at least you seem to fit in some "good books" during the down time! How funny.
We just had to start down the "if Mom or Dad have to pick up your toys at the end of the day, the toys will disappear for a few days" track. It was extremely traumatic upon its first implementation ... and I have to say that the kids were AMAZING at picking up today. Hopefully we're headed in the right direction now.
I think those book choices are very symbolic somehow. What funny conversations your kids have! You need to tell your kids that the mommy has other pursuits and hobbies, like say . . . blogging. I'm sorry I didn't get to talk to you on Sunday - too many people to hug and love - I couldn't soak it all in in such a short time. Please know I appreciated looking down from the pulpit seeing you and Josh. We miss you guys.
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