We went to Josh's grandparents' house for the traditional Christmas Eve brunch. The kids enjoyed seeing their aunts and uncles, and Yaks particularly enjoyed the ham. I think the child ate his weight in ham! I've never seen such a sight. It's always fun to see GG and Grandpa smiling as they look around the house filled with their posterity.
Christmas DayCousin Emma and Boo. There I am in the background!
I love this boy. He delights in every thing.
Do you see that Sees truck at his feet? It's his favorite toy at this house.
He'll search all over looking for it every time we visit.
I was surprised that the kids agreed to my suggestion to dress up as Mary and Joseph. They put towels on their heads and carried the baby Jesus. I would have taken pictures, but sometimes cameras flashing can spoil sweet moments. They each took turns putting the baby in the cradle, we sang some songs, unwrapped our Christmas jammies and called it a night!
Do you see that Sees truck at his feet? It's his favorite toy at this house.
He'll search all over looking for it every time we visit.
Following our traditional Norwegian Christmas Eve dinner at Nana and Papa's, we enjoyed some entertainment, presents, and a costume box fashion show put on by the kids.

I'm always concerned during the Christmas season with instilling in our kids the true meaning of Christmas and having them remember Christ instead of Santa. Josh knows of my obsession with this, and is very supportive in helping make my vision a reality. This year we kept it simple and turned down the lights, lit a candle (which the kids thought was truly magical), made some hot chocolate, and read this story book at the kitchen table.
I'm always concerned during the Christmas season with instilling in our kids the true meaning of Christmas and having them remember Christ instead of Santa. Josh knows of my obsession with this, and is very supportive in helping make my vision a reality. This year we kept it simple and turned down the lights, lit a candle (which the kids thought was truly magical), made some hot chocolate, and read this story book at the kitchen table.
I was surprised that the kids agreed to my suggestion to dress up as Mary and Joseph. They put towels on their heads and carried the baby Jesus. I would have taken pictures, but sometimes cameras flashing can spoil sweet moments. They each took turns putting the baby in the cradle, we sang some songs, unwrapped our Christmas jammies and called it a night!

Christmas Day we kept waiting around for a big winter storm, which never materialized. We got our photo on the stairs and enjoyed opening presents. I took a few pictures, and my camera battery died. Awesome. Josh had some wise words, "Don't let it spoil your day." I tried not to, but that was a really stinky thing to do, camera! We spent most of the day suffering from present detox and cabin fever. We got a visit from Nana and Papa, Abby and Isaac, who joined us for Christmas dinner, which was fun.

It's hard to say who enjoys this race track more...Josh or the kids.
A Time Out for Mom
We've planned no less than six times to go visit my parents over this Christmas holiday. The heavens must have been conspiring against us, because every attempt was thwarted. Our second attempt forced us to head back home 15 minutes into our trip due to bad roads. Josh had some serious compassion on me, and gave me the afternoon off. He took the kids to Discovery Gateway, and I got to spend my Christmas gift cards shopping.

Josh: So, where did you go?
Amy: Old Navy.
Josh: Old Navy? You've been gone for three hours, and you only went to one store?
Amy: Yeah. (smiling)
Can anyone else relate?
Family Picture and Salt City Burger
Saturday we got together with the out-of-town families and had a family picture. It's a feat to get us all together, let alone in coordinating outfits with happy children in tow. Bless the photographer's heart who took the pictures. She's a brave girl.
Following our photo op, we went to a new restaurant owned by my brother-in-law's (Isaac) girlfriends' family. It's called Salt City Burger. Man oh man, was it good! Freshly ground beef, bacon cooked INTO the burger, a topping bar, thick milkshakes! Our waitress (Megan, who also doubles as Isaac's girlfriend) was amazing and not only waited on our table of 20, but also brought us fries early for the kids to prevent our them from chewing on the table legs, napkins galore, and extra spoons so all four of us could share one shake!
May I have a chocolate shake with those chocolate brown eyes?
Cousin Reunion
A special thanks to Aunt Janet and Uncle Dick, who let us come over and have a little gathering at their house with the cousins Sunday night. I felt badly that our numbers were small, but I sure had a fun time. It felt like a party being thrown just for me. (blush) It was nice to catch up with everyone and enjoy a few laughs with Uncle Dick. He's a riot.
A special thanks to Aunt Janet and Uncle Dick, who let us come over and have a little gathering at their house with the cousins Sunday night. I felt badly that our numbers were small, but I sure had a fun time. It felt like a party being thrown just for me. (blush) It was nice to catch up with everyone and enjoy a few laughs with Uncle Dick. He's a riot.
Happy New Year?
I'm really not a fan of staying up late. I'm more of an order-in, watch Pride and Prejudice* in my jammies, and stay up 'til 11 type of girl. Part of my problem could be that I always get sick after Christmas. I was sick for New Year's last year. I was sick with a terrible cold this New Year's. I lasted about two hours at the annual family party before I was waving my white tissue in surrender. Nana and Papa let us crash at their place, but the medicine I had taken for my cold kept me awake until 3:30am! All better now, and ready for a NEW year!

*Josh has watched the entire BBC Pride and Prejudice with me over the break. He finished it last night. How many men can say THAT?
Dave has watched it twice! :) I also got my brother in law to watch it. He thought it was a two hour gig and after two hours when he found out how long it was, he figured he was already invested.
Sheesh! What a recap...
I'm glad that you got the THREE SLOW hours in Old Navy after all the other busy days.
I loved this post! What a fun Christmas Break. You look beautiful. I love your haircut and color. Are you growing your hair out? I am and it's taking forever. Yours looks awesome. Erik watched the North and the South BBC with me, but not Pride and Prejudice, blast. :)
North and South is impressive in and of itself! No, I'm not growing my hair out. I used to have more layers and now it's more of a bob, so maybe that's why it looks longer. I don't think I've ever had it past my shoulders...EVER. ha.
What fun pictures! And where is your photagrapher from in Upstate NY? Too bad we never made it to the Burger Bar. Sounds positively yummy. I hit the Gap on my Birthday (dec 26) and had a similar experience. Nothing like the bliss of a good sale and a few hours to enjoy it.
How fun! My you guys have been busy. My husband certainly could not say he's watched Pride and Prejudice! I'm glad you got a long shopping trip, I hope it did you good! Miss you!
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