1.) Personal Appearance: You will wear pajamas all day for a solid week, no makeup and your hair in a functional elastic or a hat, should that suit your fancy. You will sit on the couch surrounded by wads of tissues and your eyes closed to cut the glare which make your head scream for mercy, or quietly crying for your mommy. Kids, you may choose your own clothes and dress yourselves, even if those clothing choices are backwards, don't match, or are for the wrong season.
2.) Food: We will eat chicken noodle soup and cheese sandwiches for lunch AND dinner for several days. Better yet, kids may get their own food. While I was comatose in my bed one morning, the kids just got down a new box of cheerios and helped themselves. This would have been awesome, but Yaks took it a little overboard and dumped the entire box of cheerios in several rooms and then spread the whole grain joy everywhere. I'm still finding cheerios in random places.
I know there are so many things wrong with this picture: 
the cheerios, the cast-off diaper...the hymnal. Oh, I'm so, so sorry!
3.) Playtime: We'll watch movies all day and not feel bad about it. Thomas the Tank Engine will become almost soothing to you after some time. The kids will get creative after several days and just start to fend for themselves. My favorite was that they were looking for a type of collar for their stuffed dogs. They raided Josh's electronic drawers and came up with a couple of cables /jacks that worked perfectly. I was quite proud of their ingenuity.

4.) Projects: Let your kids do PROJECTS while you are sick! My kids call anything messy a "project". I guess that Cheerio incident could have been deemed a "project". While I've been sick, I've discovered several of their projects like cutting pieces of paper into confetti-sized pieces,

Back from the dead,
A truly funny post. I'm so glad you're back. And I'm impressed with the way your kids handled themselves in your absence. Truly creative!
I'm happy that you're back from the dead...for you, your kids, Josh's stomach, the stuffed dog's neck, and the storage shelf of Cheerios.
Your post had me laughing. (sorry that it was at your expense)
I'm laughing/tearing up at the exact state of affairs in our house. I've been down ALL weekend and I am done with being sick. I seriously HAVE to go to the store today...we cannot eat broth/crackers one more day. Brody and I are still on the mend but getting better each day. We just had our morning popsicles so we should be good for a while.. I'm tellin ya, nothing sounds good and the thought of making something substantial for dinner makes me queezy. However, everyone is well, hungry I guess! I hope you are feeling great today...I so empathize. XOXO
Oh mercy! That was a funny post. Hope you're feeling better though and if for nothing else it makes for some great memories- or not so great. I totally remember "titi" and "white floss" and one of their email addresses was actually hyraxelli- short for hyrax and elephant. What creative minds. Those girls still get embarrassed when I bring that one up. haha
Cath - Hyraxelli! I forgot about that address. Oh, those girlies.
Kari - I hope you're all better soon. I assume you came down with the pukes, right along w/ your kids? Man, these are days when VTs bringing in a meal would be helpful.
I'm sorry for your sick week. But I've got to be honest. Several of these things my kids do anyway even when we are all healthy. Emma has always been a lover of paper and cutting. Luckily, yaks was cutting in to the garbage can. I can recall several days when my kids had treats for breakfast (like leftover cake). I'm glad they had the sense to select whole grain. My point is... I wouldn't feel bad at all. We've all been there. I am sad for you, however, that you had to clean up all their projects. Oh and by the way. After Emma gets home from kindergarten she puts on shorts and a t-shirt, EVERYDAY! Some days with flip flops too.
oh that sounds familiar. But you forgot that you can judge how long you slept by the number of kidi shows you slept through. I once slept through Dora, Diego and Backyardigans with a migraine. And why are they only a half hour?
loved the cheerios. At our house it was goldfish, but the dog cleaned it up for me.
I'm so glad your feeling better Amy. That post was hilarious, but I also felt bad because things were way off of your normal routine. Funny pics too.
I needed that laugh tonight, so thanks for that great writing. Your style is quite Erma Bombeck - ish. You really have a gift! Your stories bring back some good memories - the joys of having mom sequestered brought out the creativity in my kids too. Thanks for getting out of your sick bed to take those great photos of those fun antics. I'm glad you are on the mend.
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