Yaks is a total crack-up! Honestly, that boy is Funny with a capital "F". It's a good thing he is so funny, because I was up half the night sleeping next to him because he "needed a fwend." Here's a little taste of the daily joys that are our Mon-key.
1.) My parents have a dog named Scout. Last time we were at their house, Scout needed to go outside, so the kids anxiously plastered their faces to the sliding glass doors as they watched my mom walk Scout out, clip on her leash and tie it to the post, "so she doesn't run away."

Since that scene, the kids have been obsessed with tying up their stuffed dogs, "So dey don't wunned away like Scout." Yaks worked for 15 solid minutes tying these knots. I don't think that dog's going anywhere, Buddy!

2.) I told you we've been watching a lot of movies lately. I checked Peter Pan out at the library last week. It's a fun and cute movie, but I'm realizing it's quite violent in it's own way with the Peter Pan/Captain Hook swordplay. Sleeping Beauty is just as bad! Yaks has been using this green plastic knife as his "ife" or "sowd", depending on who he's pretending to be.

"Say your pairs, hook!"
3.) Last night we sat down at the table for dinner, and I was about to help Yaks say the prayer, but Mack the Truck and a couple of cars were at the table, and were sure to distract our reverent children.

Amy: "Okay, tell Mack and the cars to get reverent. It's time for prayers! Okay...Dear Heavenly Father..."
Yaks: "Dear Hean'ly Fahder...cars can't weary fold der arms. (thinking) Yeah, dey don't wearwy have arms."
Love the knots! but my daughter wears the dog actual dog leash clipped to her shirt and then insists we go to the store that way. We did that once but the looks I got were too much to bear a second time.
and of course trucks don't have arms! Total crack up!
That whole post craks me up!! I love how you write your "kid talk" I have to read it out loud for the full effect!! Great blog!! I'm happy to be back in touch with you!
I, too, love the "kid talk." Funny guy!
I read the kid talk out loud to Abbey, and she totally understood the funny parts. Again, great writing! We love that boy of yours.
Love the kid talk. I love when you can really start to see their personalities emerge. Love the knots. We take our stuffed animals around for walks all the time. Jared and Tori saw Hotel for Dogs yesterday and she loved it. Now she wants a dog. I like stuffed pets, real ones are a lot of work! Great writing. I love the way that you are able to capture their language
This is hilarious..the way yaks talks. I kind of hope he never grows out of it. Kids really aren't afraid to ask Heavenly Father for just about anything in their prayers. Emma always says in her prayer at the dinner table. "Please bless Ethan to fold his arms while I'm saying the prayer."
Love it, Amy! He sounds like such a fun kid! He's a keeper!
How cute. The prayer was my very favorite. Thanks for the laugh today!
So cute. You are such a good mother to record all of these things he says.
that is adorable. What a cute boy you've got there.
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