I don't sew, as most of you know. I made a "pillow friend" in Home Ec in Middle School, but that's the extent of my experience and ability. However, I don't let that stop me from being creative and pulling some costumes together! This year's theme: Peter Pan!

I found Boo's dress at the DI for a dollar. I didn't capture her hair, but it's curled in ringlets and has a blue ribbon in it. She hated it the first time we made her wear it for the ward "Harvest Fest". She wanted me to hold her the entire time, and insisted on hiding her dress with her ZZ. If anyone mentioned her costume, she would try to climb into my shirt. Then she noticed that all of her friends were dressed up and wearing costumes. It was so funny to see her peer at her friends, then look down at her dress, then look to her friends again, and check out her own dress. Click. Costumes! Pretending! Halloween! On Halloween night, as she walked around, proudly wearing her costume, she looked up at me and said (totally amazed), "Mom, everybody is giving us CANDY!" We hit a dozen houses or so and then went home where Boo really found her calling - candy passer-outer and door-opener. She had a blast! "Someone's here! Someone's here! I'll get the candy!"
Yaks was John. You read that right, John.

One of our neighbors gave out these mini cans of soda pop (So-Pops).
Yaks drank his that night. Boo still carries hers around.

I wanted to be Mr. Smee, but Josh objected. I got stuck being Tinkerbell, which the kids pronounce "Dingerbell". I used my green swimsuit wrap, a white t-shirt, a camisole and some green fairy wings from all-a-dollar. My hair was cool - this picture doesn't show it quite so well.

We carved the pumpkins that Nana and Papa grew in their yard. They were just the right size! Yaks really liked this activity because it involved a sticky mess and a "ife" (knife). Notice he's wearing a helmet. When I asked him why, he said, "So my hair doesn't get awl messed up."

We also went to a neighborhood kids' Halloween party, hosted by our friend and neighbor Jeanne. The kids had the day off of school, so there were kids EVERYWHERE! It was so fun - crafts, snacks, games and a costume parade. My kids didn't want to dress up. Boo said, "I don't want my Wendy dress to get wrinkled. I'll just save it for tonight." There she is in the pink t-shirt.

Costume Parade!

Story time!

She loves Toy Story, and I could tell she was digging this costume.

Yaks was nowhere to be found, because he found this CARS toy.
"I jus playing wiff dis twuck." Awesome.

Story time!

She loves Toy Story, and I could tell she was digging this costume.

Yaks was nowhere to be found, because he found this CARS toy.
"I jus playing wiff dis twuck." Awesome.
Oh how cute! You are a costume genius. I'm glad Josh insisted you be Tinkerbell. It was so good to see you guys while we were home. I just wish we could have stayed longer. We missed the ward party because we were just too worn out - it sounds like it was fun though. Thanks for coming to Mary's shower and staying for some fun. You are remarkable and amazing!
You guys look great! I am so very impressed with your gift for bargain costuming! Hooray! Everything is cuter when it is bought at a bargain price! I love it
Looks like survived the FUN! The costumes look great. See--you don't even need to know how to sew--you make things work it out! Way to go.
LOVE the Peter Pan theme idea. So cute! Happy belated Halloween.
You are so creative. Great job
Your costumes are amazing! I am SO impressed!
Cute Costumes! Some day we'll get our act together and do a family-themed halloween. Glad no one was sick this year too! It makes all the difference doesn't it. Alas...we weren't so lucky....(single tear)
Awesome costumes! I can't believe you found the captain hook stuff at the D.I. It sounds like you had a very fun Halloween... I wish I could have been there to see everyone. I love how you write exactly the way the kids talk... it makes me laugh every time.
You are so creative. I may be calling you for help next Halloween. I love how you guys always come up with a family costume theme. What fun memories.
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