I packed up the kids with books, toys, snacks, stuffed animals and umbrellas, and braced myself for the worst. I told the kids that we were going to go vote. They thought I said, "We're going on the boat." Boo was wondering if we were going to put the "boat" on the top of the car. Yaks asked if he could take his umbrella on the "boat". On our way there, Boo kept saying, "Where are we going boating, Mom?" I worried that this experience might be like boating - wet, wild, bumpy, and requiring a life preserver. I explained that Mommy was going to go "check some boxes." That was a little easier to understand.

We parked the car and trudged to the polling location, which is also our Rec. Center. It seemed really crowded. We were soaking wet by the time the four little legs made it inside the building. I envisioned long lines with frustrated people, anxiously watching their watches and tapping their feet, and glaring at me for bringing my kids. I imagined my kids breaking the polling machines, getting lost in the polling facility or having a tantrum. Instead, I was greeted by a friendly woman who ushered all of us into the EMPTY room. I apologized for having to bring my kids, but she assured me it was fine. We had the whole place to ourselves. She helped me find the correct table, gave the kids an "I Voted" sticker, and showed them a quiet corner where they could read stories while their mom went boating. I had read the sample ballot ahead of time, so made quick work of my selections. We were done before they were done with their package of fruit snacks! (insert Tender Mercy tag here)

I'm soaking wet, but I voted. And that's pretty great.
That's funny. Maddie thought I was saying "boat" also. She said, "Next time can we please go on the boat."
Glad that you got out & and in & out again quick. Maybe I should have not done the vote early thing. But at least I'm done too. Glad that you didn't need the life preserver! HAHA.
Your experience was totally different from ours. We waited in line for TWO HOURS and our kids got very frustrated. Thankfully we were able to rustle up some snacks, paper and pen and a lollipop from the inner depths of the car. The lollipop was the true life saver with Little Blue.
I knew there was a good reason we hadn't previously scoured and cleaned out the car ....
"Boating"... that is very funny. I also love the "I Voted" stickers. Yeah, my mom said the weather is terrible there right now. I just had to laugh because I told her that I was headed out to the pool to lay out.
We "boated" too. Tori asked if she is 18 since she has a 'I voted sticker'
Scott was quite depressed when they didn't hand out the "I Voted" stickers here. Texas is very RED, too, It's hard to feel like your vote actually counts in that situation. I was complaining to Scott about it and John Patrick (3rd grader!) informed me that is was very important that I voted, and every vote counted. I guess I shouldn't complain in front of the kids again.
Oh let's see . . . there are quite a few puns I could muster up with your boating analogy. Let's just say that now that the "boating" is done, we hope our country isn't up the creek without a paddle! It will be interesting to see how Obama steers this ship in troubled waters over the next few years.
By the way, you look great soaking wet. You should boat in the rain every day!
The wait at our polling location was practically not existent, too. That was such a relief for me. Congrats on being able to successfully take the kids with you. Thats always a stress reliever. I was lucky to go without mine today but I did have to rip my "I voted" sticker in half to prevent a fight between the kiddies.
Who would have thought voting could be such an adventure, but I completely understand! It is a great feeling to know you voted even if the experience itself is a bit hectic. They should have timed mothers to see who voted the fastest. It is amazing how fast you can fly through that process when you know it will only be a few more seconds before your kids implode.
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