Last year I was invited to sit in on a focus group for Busath and give my opinions about a new line of photography they were starting called Bounce - meant to be a contemporary, casual children's photography session. Kids are supposed to wear bright, simple clothes and just kinda run around or bounce on a trampoline or play w/ their favorite toy, and the photographer just captures moments as opposed to poses.
Anyway, long story short, I got a gift card as a thank you, and I'm now found empathizing with my mom's situation in trying to find clothes for the kids that aren't too expensive for this family photo shoot (on Oct 3rd)! I've consulted with several of you, but I thought I would ask you once again to help me vote on some options. I'm losing sleep over this. I know, it's ridiculous and vain. It's just not every day we get a professional portrait done of our family.
I've decided to go really casual and put everyone in jeans and either brown or black shoes (the kids only have brown, so it'll be brown for them or bare feet, which might be kinda cute). So, I'll give you a moment to envision the lower-half. Okay, moving on...
I'm stuck to know how to dress Josh and I. We're putting the kids in white, and I'm struggling to decide whether we should all be in white too, or if we should be in a color. I'm thinking either Brown, Navy or Black/Gray or some sort of combination. I went to TJMaxx to window shop and found a cute top in every color that I'm thinking about. Can you help me decide? (camera phone pics, sorry)

Josh has a charcoal gray button-down shirt, as well as a white button down shirt.

E.) 1/2 zip Merino wool (black or charcoal)

F.) cotton vest (brown or charcoal)

G.) v-neck sweater cotton (brown heather or black)

H.) brown jacket
I really like the way that kids in white look in photos. They look so pure and clean and it really allows one to focus on the face instead of the clothes. So, white is is!

1.) Blouse from Target for Boo
I've looked all over for a solid colored, fine-ribbed cardigan as an option to toss on for some of the photos, but I can't find one that I like, so this is what we've got so far.
Yaks is wearing a white button-down shirt that we already have.

Now, is this too stark? Should I toss it w/ a vest or something? Does anyone have a vest in a 3T size that would go along w/ this "scheme"? No dusty rose, please.

Vote away before I just break out the dusty rose sweater!
i like C, G and H. That shirt for Boo is adorable. I think you guys will look great!! can't wait to see the photos!
I like b for you and g for Josh. I like both of the white shirts for the kids. I have a ton of sweater vests. I'll take pics of the ones we aren't currently wearing.
I like the brown jacket. So i guess h. The white shirt for boo is a great choice. I agree with you that white is the best color for children. I am kindof funny but i think you should either go all black/charcole or all brown. Since the kid have brown shoes I think you should go all brown. That is just me. Have fun at the shoot.
I think the brown shirt looks really cute for I guess they all have to match you, brown for JB and white on the kids. With a nice neutral background that sill look really cute.
Oh! Too many options! I am bad at making decisions and just like you when it comes to stewing about it for a while.
I agree with Maggie...I like the brown shirt. But, I think any of the things you're debating would work out. I like both of the white shirts for the kids. Cute Target blouse.
Good luck deciding on something. Obviously my ramblings held no real help ;)
I think that if the kids are all wearing brown shoes, you should go with colors that will match brown. I really like the brown shirt you picked. It's cute, fitted and classic. For Josh, he could do either the v-neck brown sweater or the brown jacket with white top.
I spent HOURS figuring out what we would wear for our photos, so I totally understand what you're going through! My main goal was to stick to two main colors and have all of us coordinate to some degree so that our group picture would look good and smaller shots (i.e. just the kids or just us) would work, too.
Looks like they're going to be great. Let us know what you decide!!
p.s. I feel your pain on the dusty rose sweater. When I was about 15, we did the same type of family photo. All the boys got to wear denim and blue shirts but since I'm the only girl, I had to wear a mauve turtleneck. So that I'd match my brothers, my mother forced me to wear a jean jacket over the top of it! It was so ugly.
I had a hideous hair cut at the time (chin-length ... not so good) and I, too, look about 20 lbs heavier than I was. I still hate that picture to this day!
Glad to see you've gotten some help! My favorite is actually the blue polka dot but my next fav. is the brown for you. And then if you go w/the brown I really like the brown jacket for josh. Maybe pair it w/ a necklace for you since josh's is a little dressier than yours. It'll look great! I'm excited to see them!
I'm with Cath, blue blouse for you..all around cute shirt. What sort of necklace do you have..any red/brown, it would be a good color pop. I'd go with the brown blazer on Josh in that case. Whatever shirt/color scheme you choose... get a fun funky necklace to mix in there. You'd be the color glue that STICKS you all together! Excited to see results. I need to get some family pics as well. Thanks for the inspiration, oh and the email the other day. By the way, I apologize for being a lame-O friend, didn't a certain special day roll around a few weeks back. I love you, happy belated b-day to you!
O.k. so I knew it was at the beginning of Sept. or Oct. aren't you the 5th like me? Just know that you are and will be thought of!!
Wow, so many options! I like them all. I especially like the bare feet idea - I love kid feet.
Thanks everyone for all of your help with the picture! I think we're pretty close to making a decision. I'll be sure to post the link after we get the photos taken so you can see them.
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