*Breaux Greer (Photo by Andy Lyons/Getty Images)
I'm glad Primary Chorister it's not my calling. That's a whole lot of time and work to devote for 15 minutes of fun. The kids really seemed to like it, and we even had a few in tears that they didn't get a turn. I can't handle it when people cry, it always makes me feel so bad! My Mom's voice rings in my ears, "Everyone plays or NO one plays!" So, guess which kid got to take the VERY last turn!? Ugh, what a softy. I visited the nursery to do singing time with them and made it through w/o making anyone cry, including my own son. Gold medal for me!In case you're feeling the Olympic Spirit, here's what we did.
I didn't have the guts to pull out track 7 of this wonderful CD. It would have been fun, but not reverent. Reverence is love, people.
Event: Shot Put
Items Needed: Muffin Tin, hackey sack (ziplock bag of rice stuffed in a sock), small white labels or post-it-notes.
Directions: Write songs on the labels and stick them in the bottom of the tins. Have kids stand back and toss the bag into the tin. Whatever you land on gets Ta-do, ta-done! *This would be a great way to choose what chore you're going to tackle for the day, where you want to eat out or what dessert you'll have when the kids go to bed!
Event: Javelin
Items Needed: Drinking Straws, white labels or post-it-notes, small strips of paper labeled with songs
Directions: Roll up song choices and insert them into the straw. Have kids select a straw, blow out the paper and open it to read the song/assignment. Josh made a valid point that I might possibly be teaching children how to shoot spit wads in church. I can't be held responsible for that kind of thing, then I'd NEVER get to be the song leader :)! So, I changed it a bit and had them throw the straw and put the labels on the floor. Wherever it landed, that's what we would sing. I know, how boring.
Event: High Jump
Items Needed: Labels
Directions: Put the names of the songs on the labels and stick them on the wall. Have kids jump or reach as high as they can. Wherever they land, that's what we sing!
Enjoy the real Olympics starting Friday!
We just got our digital converter box and now we can see the olympics channel perfectly. Wahoo -- just in time!
We went from 3 totally snowy, barely able-to-see channels to 21 crystal clear channels. Awesome!
Sounds like the singing time went well.
I am looking forwards to the real olympics starting. Each night when the local news highlights one of the athletes, I get excited.
You are so clever Amy!
I liked what you said on Lib's blog about blogging
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