We're looking at another week of 100's -- don't be jealous! By the time it's dinner hour, everything that requires (my recently de-cluttered) pots and pans and my stove to create, makes me nauseous (no, I'm not pregnant). It's just too hot! I'm happy to just eat cold cereal all summer, but I've got the family to think of.

I've been enjoying the turkey burgers and chicken on the grill, but my kids don't really eat much meat. I'm tired of preparing TWO meals (one for the adults , one for the kids). I've heard some of you have done crockpot meals throughout the summer, but I haven't been successful in finding any that aren't "too heavy". Any ideas for cooking in this hot weather?
Warmly awaiting your ideas,
how are your kids with veggies? my roommate and i would opt for cucumbers, tomatoes (which i ate around), and red onions with a little rice vinegar - with a tuna or chicken salad sandwich. and a lot of watermelon on the side. of course that could be too refined for the tots....but there's no heat involved.
I bet they'd eat a chicken salad with some macaroni in it! That's nice and cold and I can make it in the morning to have it cold at night. Oh, I LOVE cucumber/tomato salad. My grandma makes that all the time. Thanks, Lin!
We've been doing lots of salads. I generally set some of the toppings aside and the kids will eat those. So if I'm doing a cobb salad, I can give them some cheese, bacon, hard boiled egg, ham, turkey, whatever. Goose doesn't always go for it, but if she's hungry, she'll eat.
We are having this problem too. Our gas stove heats up the apartment to unbearable temps. Unfortunately, our solution has been to either eat out or I cook at my parents house. But that chicken pasta salad sounds REALLY good right now... so does the watermelon!
All about sandwiches I guess! Goose is picky and the Little Lady is not. Salads would work, too if they will eat those!
Last night we got a rotisserie chicken from the grocery store. I think I might add that to our weekly list until things cool off some. It was more than I would normally spend, but we should be able to get two meals out of it. We served it with Uncle Ben's garden veggie ready rice - 90 seconds in the microwave and the little man gobbles it up - and a green salad for Wil and I. No added heat and much healthier than going out.
Rotisserie chicken is a great idea. I think they are 4-5$ at our Costco. You could do chicken salads, sandwiches, mix it in w/ rice, etc. Brilliant!
this entire discussion makes me hungry....like my mouth is watering right now. haha.
Nice to meet you Amy!
The deal going best around here... 1 cold watermelon... slice :)
Oh, hi loveboxes! What an honor. I love your blog -- such pretty and happy and uplifting things every day. Friends, have you met loveboxes? She's a lovely person and a talented artist. Check out her site. She's having a giveaway!
I LOVE watermelon. I should go buy some, since it won't be summer for long!
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