Today is my mom's birthday. I think she's just the greatest. Aside from raising nine of us, she now finds the time to be a Relief Society President, ESL instructor, as well as helping my Dad in coping with Parkinson's and my brother, who just finished up chemotherapy.
She's the kind of person who will send you a thoughtful card with money slipped inside, "for whatever you might need," which arrives on the very day that you're not sure if you can make ends-meet. She's always ready to serve. Last year when about this time we were going to put our house on the market, we needed some serious help with the yard. She organized a work party with my siblings, brought a car full of shrubs and plants, along with fixings for a lunch. She worked all day with the family, making our yard beautiful and ready to sell. I love chatting with her on the phone. She's an amazing cook and can make something delicious out of virtually nothing.
My mom loves reading Harry Potter books over and over and over again, and watching chick-flick movies. I want to be a patient mother like she is. She's selfless and hard-working. She's never critical and always has something nice to say about people. She loves all desserts, but especially ice cream and all things chocolate. A few weeks ago, when we went up to visit, I had my heart set on going to get some Aggie Ice Cream. When we arrived, Boo found Grandma and told her that's what she wanted as well. My mom said, "Oh, I was hoping you would want some ice cream! Let's all go get some right now." Imagine how thrilling for a 2-year-old! Imagine how thrilling for ME! My mom doesn't read this blog. She can barely figure out how to send an e-mail! But, that's another reason why I love her. Happy birthday, Mom!
I think I need your mom to be my new best friend! :P
What a great post. You do have a wonderful mother!
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