Following this past weeks' hack-job, I needed a professional with some serious experience, and I decided that Cookie Cutters was the answer to our problem. A neighbor heard of my plight and gave me some 2$-off coupons, and we were able to get her an appt. for Saturday at 9:00 AM. JB said while booking the appointment, "My daughter cut her hair today. It's a mullet. Do you repair mullets?" The girl said, "We fix those all the time."
Boo and I arrived at the salon right on time and went inside to the glorious sight of a little play area with a slide right inside the salon (insert hallelujah chorus here). She played on that while I explained our situation and told them of her dislike for all things hair salon. She chose a movie and her favorite car. She picked out a yellow and red sportscar and a Disney Princess video (that's the kinda girl she is), with all of the princesses singing the songs that made them famous. We got her to stand in the chair and watch a little bit, but as soon as the cape came on, the jig was up. Tears started flowing and "I want mommy"quickly followed suit. I worried this would fluster Leslie, our stylist, but she seemed totally at-ease. Boo didn't want to hold any of their toys and a red lillipop didn't even appease her, although it looked pretty tasty to me (Can I get one in a to-go box?). We managed to get her to sit, still crying, in the chair. I would "snuggle" her head on my chest and the girl would cut one side, then we'd switch. Boo actually kinda relaxed for her to be able to do a little layering in the back, which reminded me much of my own hairstyle. Leslie was awesome. I told her how great and talented I thought she was (I really do..I could NEVER do that job), and how much I appreciated her fixing the unfixable. She was a total champ.
Blowdrying was out of the question, but we were able to get it in a little elastic band in it, which looked pretty cute. She left after a few slides down the slide, happily eating her sucker and carrying a balloon. Boo saved her true feelings for the car, when she said, "I no yike hair cuts." Yeah, just remember that next time you're with a pair of scissors, okay?
Here are a couple pictures from Sunday, following some time in mommy's beauty salon.

Awww, she's such a little doll! See, this is why we needed you to blog. So we could see your cute kiddos. Her hair looks much better. Will it make you feel better when I tell you that we have been buzzing Goose's hair every other week for two years and he STILL screams?
The back totally makes me think of your hair and it does look super cute. Little man is not a big fan of hair cuts either and he has a LOT of hair that grows FAST. It's not so fun.
I just took the 2 yo for her first haircut and I picked one of these kids places for the same reasons. She ended up on my lap the entire time, but even let the lady put a side braid in at the end. My 4 yo cried everytime we buzzed him until a few months ago.
LOVE the new cut! Glad to hear Cookie Cutters worked out for you. At this rate, we'll only need a hair cut every two years, so I'll take Goose ANYWHERE she wants to go.
Just think, onthego Mom, if little blue follows suit, then you'll be saving lots of money and time on his haircuts! That's not all bad! Goose's hair's getting longer, though, I like the little clips she had in it in her picture!
Her hair is adorable! So glad the story had a happy ending!
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