Friday, July 9, 2010

A HAPPY Fourth

Our Fourth of July was a happy one indeed. Like many of you, we celebrated it on Saturday, and kicked off the day by digging in our dresser drawers to find something red, white and blue to wear.

This is what we came up with:

Diddles is looking a bit shaggy these days.
Her hair is just long enough to put into a little "fountain" in the top of her head!
Would you believe it was cool enough for her to need a sweater?

Yaks was sporting this awesome Old Navy t-shirt from 2009. That was a great year.

Boo opted for this cute little checked shirt, a hand-me-down from her cousin. Paired that with some patriotic hair accessories, and I think we're ready!

We started off the day with a delicious pancake breakfast in the park with our ward,
followed by games and activities.

But really, what we were all waiting for and watching for and
making repeated cell phone calls to ask "what's your ETA?" was the arrival of Nana, Papa and Abby for the week.

They arrived in the nick of time to help the kids decorate their bikes for the neighborhood bike parade.
Yaks gets SO nervous riding on hills.

Josh bought pink and blue swim noodles and cut them in half and then sliced them open to put them on their bike frames. Genius!

Fun Fact: It takes exactly four days for Diddles to warm up to you. You'll be greeted with this expression (pictured) , coupled with a stressed-out whine, and her hands nervously pulling on her hair. But, hang in there! Feed her popsicles, play toys with her, play it "cool" while remaining close, sing her familiar songs, smile, play peek-a-boo, and she'll be smiling and "hissing" at you before you know it!

We had a fun little water balloon toss. I love this photo!

Yaks' idea of "tossing" was to run up to you and ever-so-gently set the balloon into your hands.
His balloon lasted a long time.

Abby was an unfortunate casualty.

Since it gets dark so late here, we skipped the fireworks and made our own "aerials".


Shelese said...

Great photos there! What a fun fourth of July you had!! Love that one of Boo trying to catch. ha. and the one of diddles in the clouds! So so cute. who's the photographer? Is that you? You've gotten so good!

Chad said...

Looks like you had fun. Where do you live now?

Plowgian Page said...

I remember that shirt. Emma hardly wore. I think it is darling. Glad you could have a fun week with Nana, Papa, and Abby. I haven't looked at your blog in a few weeks. Love the "Evolution of a Dad post." Happy to have shared some of those memories with your family. Hope all is well. Are you coming to Salt Lake in a few weeks for our family days?