The following conversation took place after a bath:
Boo: "Mom, do I have dots on my face like you?"
Amy: (not quite sure what she was talking about) "What dots?"
Boo: (pointing to two lovely pimples on my face) "Those red I have those on my face, too?"
Amy: "No, Boo...not yet, anyway."
A few days ago, Boo got out her basket of hair accessories so that they could play"fix hair". Yaks was her client, and fortunately no hair was lost in the process. Looks like she needs a few more lessons.

The kids like to dance very um....interactively. Mosh pit comes to mind. This is yet another activity that I must referee. They love to crash around to this song Wagon Wheel by Old Crowe Medicine Show. I love how Yaks just runs around saying, "Ow!" like he knows what's coming.
Can't wait till these two are teens!
Just showed the dancing clip to Meg...she giggled along with Jane. I have some very cheesy kid music (of course the kids LOVE it) that I'll have to copy for you to add to the dancing repertoire.
That was so cute!
I love the dancing! Those are fun times. I thought the hair do was nice! :)
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