I have known many gardeners in my life: My Dad, Uncle Dick, Sarah, Jeanne, our neighbor behind us. I wouldn't call myself a gardener. This year is our first
official attempt at the art. I don't count last year, because we had the tomato plants
given to us, and I over watered and didn't actually get to
eat tomatoes from our garden until the late, late summer when they were busting through the cages like green hulking masses, and you had to dig into the thick vines to even find a tomato. I felt like a failure, and wasn't sure if gardening was my gig, and I came to grips with the sad reality that I would just have to hope for freebies from my family and friends to enjoy the yummy goodness that is fresh produce. We tried again this year. I'm not calling this year a success, mind you, but we're getting closer...little by little.

Today we had one of those small victories in our little plot of earth. I harvested the first yellow squash plants of our season! I'm so excited about it! I
never thought these plant would last, I tell you! It's a dangerous world out there in our garden. Weeds, bugs, drought conditions, rocky soil, toddlers who think
everything is a "weed" to be cut down! I'm totally shocked we're going to be eating this for dinner. Shocked, I tell you. I'm so shocked, I can't even recall what variety of squash this is. Banana Squash?
See? I really don't know what I'm doing.
Hooray for gardening!
Looks like summersquash. I'm jealous I tell you! I planted mine really late. When did you get these in the ground? They are my favorite!
Heidi, we sprouted them from seed and got them in the ground shortly before Mother's Day. I'm excited to taste them tonight!
Yeah for you! I am glad that you can taste your success tonight! Enjoy! (if you come up with an GREAT squash recipes throughout this season please share...a few weeks from now you'll have too be creative in the kitchen to use them all!)
Great work! You are on your way. Pretty soon you will be hanging out at J&L, tuning into the gardening radio shows, and hiding zucchini in people's cars at church to get rid of them.
Good job! I'm sure they will be tasty! Hooray for gardens! Doesn't it feel satisfying to eat the real FRUITS of your labor?
I'm trying tomatoe plants for the first time this year. My FIL inspected my plants yesterday and thinks my pots aren't draining properly so we're going to take a stab at that today. Hopefully we can save them! Three of the four plants look doomed, but the other has eight small tomatoes on it and looks salvagable.
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