Thursday, September 24, 2009

Favorite Things: Dick’s Market

I thought it would be fun to take several posts and reflect on some of my favorite things about Bountiful. I'm sure you could all compose a similar list about your wonderful towns and neighborhoods. The first one that comes to mind is Dick’s Market - our neighborhood grocery store. Less than a mile away from our house, it’s a frequent stop for our family if we need something last minute, need a “stop” on our walk, or are craving a late-night treat.

This summer we enacted “Donut Day”, where we head over to Dick’s to choose a donut after finishing our Saturday chores. It’s good incentive for the kids, and something special they get to do on Saturdays with Dad. I must say, I don’t mind it much myself. No, not at all! Their bakery is second-to-none, and the best I’ve ever experienced in a grocery store. The goods are fresh and the quality is high. Everything is delicious, but my favorite has got to be their glazed donuts. Simple, but wonderful! The kids like the cake donuts with white frosting and sprinkles (sprinkers).

Aside from their bakery, they have EXCELLENT customer service. The kids working there are polite, clean cut, well-spoken and friendly. AND THEY ARE HIGH SCHOOL KIDS! I always leave with a smile, and have never had an UN-pleasant experience in the checkout line. Often the kids who bag won’t even ASK me if I need help out to the car, they simply HELP me out to the car. They frequently have free samples, and there is often a chef whipping up something in the produce section for us to sample, along with the recipe for us to make it at home. They will open up a line when there are more than 3 people waiting, and if they don’t have anyone in the line, they stand in the aisle and invite shoppers to come checkout with them.

Speaking of shoppers – they are the friendliest you’ll ever find. It’s like there should be a sign that says, “Don’t come here if you’re grumpy.” There are plenty of friendly elderly people who do their weekly shopping, lots of moms pushing their kids around in the “car carts”, and happy teenagers picking up some junk food during lunch or after school. If my kids are cranky and I just need to pick up a few things, I always go to Dick’s, because I know I won’t get glared at by either the employees or the patrons, and THAT is priceless I tell you!

When we started talking about moving to a new house, one of Boo’s first questions was, “Will we still have donut day at Dick’s?” I don’t think anything can replace our Dick’s Market, but hopefully we won’t be lacking in donuts in our new town!


Stephanie said...

Awe, we love Dick's, too. Kristin (my sis) lives like 3 houses away from Dick's, and their bakery is incredible.


I remember asking my local Macey's (in West Jordan) where I would find the Western Family brand in Denver. The customer service guy was so nice when he broke me the bad news: you won't. Agggggggh! Changing grocery stores and brands was one of the real growing pains of our move.

I hope you find a new spectacular grocery store in Idaho. We've come to love Safeway here, their bakery gives free cookies! Check it out.

Dianna said...

There is no place in the world like Dick's. We have pined away for their brownies, donuts, friendly service, and convenience. Another great quality of Dick's is that they are not open on Sunday - another great reason to support them. One of the best things about Bountiful is the Paulsen family. It just won't be the same without you.