Pizza Hut made our dinner last night. Thanks, Pizza Hut. I really do love your greasy deep-dished pizza crust. As much as I love Pizza Hut pizza, I wasn't really planning on eating it last night. Tacos were on the menu.
I had some delicious taco meat all cooked up and everything chopped and ready. We were just keeping things warmed and the kids from biting at my ankles while we waited for Josh to come home. Boo had had a rough evening, and was having her fourth meltdown in an hour. I scooped her up and we went and rocked on the couch while watching the news. The poor girl fell asleep in my arms (at four years old - love it), so I just sat there and let her sleep. Seconds later, the smoke alarm starts blaring, which sent a surprised Yaks into hysterics. "Was dat noise!? WAaahhhh!" I leaped off the couch, dumping a sleeping Boo onto the floor, and ran for the kitchen, only to find that what I thought was "low" on the stove was actually "high", and my dinner was smokin', and not in a good way. We were seconds away from flames, people! I rushed the entire pan into the garage, opened it, and left it outside to smolder. I didn't even check to see if the neighbors saw.
Back inside, both kids were crying, so I set to work doing the old fan-the-alarm-with-a-dish-towel-trick, while trying to speak calmly to my children that all was right with their toddler world. But, the alarms were so loud that it was more like I was yelling at them in order to be heard, "IT'S OKAY! IT'S JUST A SMOKE ALARM! IN JUST A SECOND IT WILL STOP! IT TELLS US IF THERE IS A FIRE! IT'S OKAY!"
I sent Josh a simple text. "Burned dinner to a crisp."
He ordered pizza. We opened the windows, turned on the fans and left the house to enjoy the dinner somebody else cooked.
Yikes! Sorry to hear about your experience with the smoke alarm this week. Glad JB & PH could come to the rescue.
oh no! how scary. I hate smoke alarms... mine go off everytime I cook bacon, I'm too impatient to put it on low. But it sounds like this time the alarm really saved you though. Thank goodness it wasn't a full fire.
Kind of reminds me of our college days though and my toast tossing out the back window :)
Quick thinking to take it out to the garage...I would have been a mess. Bless you, Pizza Man!
Haha! I remember the toast-tossing, Shelese! Remember the neighbor boys would walk by, "What's that? Is that TOAST?" It wasn't your fault, though. It was our DI toaster. :)
I'm so sorry... and at the same time I can't stop laughing! Oh, Ames. You're not alone. It's happened to the best of us(and worst, in my case). What a sweet, quick thinkin' husband. Good job makin' it all better, J.
It reminds me of a time when I put something to broil in the oven and stepped away to make a quick phone call. No joke -- the very moment when I looked back toward the oven and saw the flames coming out was the split second before the fire alarm went off. And those alarms are loud, as you well know. Sorry everybody was scared, but any evening that ends in pizza can't be all bad...
I can only imagine how scared the kids were. You are so good at using words to paint a very vivid picture in my mind. It's funny that you bring up smoke alarms. Ours likes to go off merely from the shower steam coming from the bathroom... I now know it is in VERY good working order.
I'm glad there weren't fire trucks in our neighborhood spraying firey taco meat. You can just blame it on the spices. No really, I'm glad it turned out so well. The first time I made dinner for my sister-in-law I burned the potatoes to a CRISP. It was Sunday, so no pizza rescue for us. I think the apartment was so old there weren't any smoke alarms, but the smell was alarming.
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