This was the result.
We learned some valuable lessons from this experience:
1.) Boo is a girl, not a boy. You can't cut a girls' hair the same way you would a boy's.
2.) There is no "undo" botton on a pair of scissors.
3.) Leave it to the professionals.
4.) It takes a looooong time for kids' hair to grow out.
It eventually did grow out, more than a year later.
This is Boo. She's 2 1/2 now. Her hair is beautiful. It's like cornsilk - blonde, stick-straight, fine, soft, it blows in the breeze and always smells pretty. That kind of hair. I can braid it, put it in little pony-tails and we were even successful at putting it in one single ponytail in the back this past weekend. YES!
Boo decided that today would be the day to try something new. To spread her wings and go where her mother feared to tread. After all, the Sesame Street episode she watched was all about HAIR! While I was downstairs doing some housework, Boo was upstairs in our bedroom. I returned to put her down for a nap maybe 10 minutes later to find these:

Do the scissors look familiar?
along with this, all over the floor:
The child took scissors that she has never before used or had interest in using in her LIFE (I didn't even know she knew HOW to operate scissors), set up the mirror and GAVE HERSELF A HAIRCUT!!! The shortest spot is 1" long. It's mostly behind her ears, but really. It's bad (as Lauren would say).

We went from this..

Yay! AHP is blogging! It was only a matter of time.
Ouch - I think this is a rite of passage for every mom of a little girl in the world. Good thing hair DOES grow!
blogging is always a good idea. i can't believe she took scissors to her hair! it will grow, though!!
ames, i'm SO sorry. i think i would have cried too. just keep reminding yourself that it will grow!
Yay, this is the blog I've been waiting for!!! Can't wait to hear about what you're up to. You are so fun and uplifting.
You're little girls hair is so pretty... what are you going to do to hide the part she cut? you'll have to post more photos if you cut it all short.
Boo has more hair (post-cut) than Goose has after almost three years! We're all jealous of her amazing ability to grow hair. I'm sure Boo will have a full, beautiful mane in no time!
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